The Send email option on the Main menu gives you the option to send an email to your clients through AdviceOS. The email will automatically be saved in your Client Records in the Notes section for the particular client.

1.Select Client

2.Click “Send email” on the main menu

3.View sender in the “From” field and click drop down to select a different sender- client email addresses are automatically populated

4.Add subject and complete email

5.If you are using Email Templates, click on the Email templates drop down box, ensuring the correct level document is used

6.To create an email template, click “Create template”

7.Select from the template fields you wish to include in your email template

8.Click “Save template”

9.Name template, add a description and select owner level

10.Click “OK”


 Figure 2.4

Logging emails in AdviceOS

To facilitate recording and storing of client email communication under Client Records from your external email system (Outlook, Gmail etc.) for compliance purposes, AdviceOS provides you with a unique email address.

The AdviceOS email address is not a replacement of your current email address but instead an email address that you are able to forward email communications to, so that they can be stored in AdviceOS.

There are three rules to observe when utilising the storing of emails in AdviceOS:

The client’s email address will need to be unique in AdviceOS- this includes couples who also require unique email addresses

The email address you are forwarding the email from must be the same email address attached to your  user/adviser details in AdviceOS ( under User admin> Adviser> Electronic Addresses)

Continue to use your external email address and not provide the AdviceOS email address to anyone as any email received to your AdviceOS email address will not be stored under the clients’ file notes

The unique email address provided is attached to your user record:

Recording and storing emails against client records from external email

To get an email from your external email system into client records, forward the email to your AdviceOS user email ( Ensure the client email is in the subject or the body of the email.

To log an email (in AdviceOS) you are sending to a client from your external email account, Bcc