AdviceOS has a comprehensive, enterprise strength workflow and task management system.


AdviceOS Workflow is a tool to manage business processes within your organisation. In AdviceOS workflows, a business process is defined as an order of events (or tasks) to reach a business goal such as, the goal of signing on a new financial planning client. An example list of tasks required to sign on a financial planning client could be:


 1. Client meeting

 2. Update Fact Find

 3. Receive Authority to Proceed

 4. Payment for Plan

 5. Implementat the Advice

 6. Complete Audit


AdviceOS workflow manages the order of these tasks as they flow through your business and keeps track of various metrics and notifies you when one task completes and next task is ready to proceed.


AdviceOS workflows has the capability to accommodate a wide range of business processes from the simple, business processes with 1 path and 1 outcome; to the complex, business processes that branch out through several business teams, involving a number of individuals and can result in several business outcomes.