The Super to Pension module shows the impact of rolling a client’s superannuation product into an account based pension.
The Super to Pension module works slightly differently to the other comparison modules as you are not comparing products that are like- for – like, and as such, the existing and recommended platforms will be shown in separate input windows.
Entering or editing existing superannuation platforms
1.Select client
2.Click “Super to Pension”
3.To edit the existing Super platform, click “Edit platform”. Load a platform from the Midwinter database or add a custom platform (tick appropriate radio button). From the edit platform button you can also choose to Delete and Rename platform
4.To add new platform(s), click “Add” and select platform(s)
5.To retain an amount in a super platform, click “Retain super” and add amount to be retained
6.Enter amount invested
7.Enter any adviser fee or charges under “Adviser service fee”
8.Click “ICR/MER” or “Sell spread” to enter the investment options for your client in Portfolio Builder. Enter the client’s existing super funds and amounts or percentage of each investment option, click “OK”. The weighted average MER is automatically inserted
9.Calculate any capital gains tax manually or by using the capital gains tax calculator
10.To perform modelling of the effect of a dual pension strategy, click “Show two pensions” and a second pension platform will appear in your Proposed Pension window
Click the Fee and strategy buttons to display different alternatives on how to view fee and strategy calculations.
Proposed Pension
In the proposed pension screen, editing platforms and adding one is done in the same way as in all other comparison modules.
A maximum of two pension platforms can be added to an existing or recommended platform.
1.Click “Proposed Pension”
2.To load a recommended platform from the Midwinter database or add a custom platform click “Edit platform” (tick appropriate radio button)
3.Enter amount to invest
4.To add a new platform click “Add” and click “Add “Load platform” and repeat to add second platform in the Allocate funds window pop-up . Enter amount to invest, ensuring you allocate 100% of the total amount between the funds
5.Enter any adviser fee or charges you wish to include for the recommended platform
6.Click “ICR/MER” or “Sell spread” to use portfolio builder. Enter the client’s recommended funds and amounts or percentage of each investment option, click “OK” and the weighted average MER is automatically inserted
7.Add withdraw strategy
8.Ensure the risk profile is correct for the recommended platform
9.Click “Update projection” to view the account based pension balance projection
10.Click “Fee analysis” to view MFI and age to finish and click “Pension income analysis” to view income for the selected platform
11.Press “Save” to save the analysis