Entity search option
In Advice OS you have the ability to search for entities that have been added as part of a client group from your main menu by clicking the “Fact find>Entities".
The list view will change to view all SMSF, Companies, and Trusts for the appropriate clients.
Click “File note” to view notes by selected client.
Creating a new entity
In the entities tab you can create a number of different relationships between the entities and the individuals.
1.Click “Add” in the Entities section
2.Complete details for the created Entity in the details section
3.Click “Add” to create relationship for existing associates for the Entity
Associates are individuals or organisations which you are able to create and subsequently link (through relationships) to entities. They are not clients but people or organisations important to your clients.
Creating or managing associates
1.Click “Add” to create new associate or
2.Click edit symbol to edit existing associate
3.Complete associate details as required
Creating a new relationship for an existing entity
1.Click “Add”
2.Under category, select Professional or Non- individual as required
3.Add percentage or value if applicable
4.Select Individual or Entity for the relationship by clicking on the search button, ensuring you select Client or Associate as required
5.View the summary and click the “Swap relationship” button if required
6.Click “OK”
The relationship has now been created between the entity and the associate.